Number Library

Stof's standard number library ("Number").

See Primitive Types, Units, and Casting/Conversions for more information on number types in Stof.

Common Value Functions

Number.toString(val: int | float | units): str

fn test() {
    let a = 100.toString();
    let b = Number.toString(100);
    assertEq(a, b);
    assertEq(a, "100");

Number.or(val: int | float | units, ...): unknown

Returns the first non-empty (null or void) argument, just like the Standard Library "or" function.

fn test() {
    let val = 5;
    assertEq(val.or(2), 5);
    val = null;
    assertEq(val.or(3), 3);

Parse Strings to Numbers

Number.parse(val: str): int | float | units

Parse a string into a number using the Stof parser. This includes integers, floating-point numbers, hexadecimal, octal, and binary values. It also includes the readability characters Stof supports: "+" prefix, "-" prefix (of course), and ignores "_" characters. This function also parses Stof units.

fn example() {
    let val = Number.parse("+1.24_45e4"); // 12445
    let hex = Number.parse("0x35_Fa_60"); // must use 0x
    let oct = Number.parse("0o55");       // must use 0o
    let bin = Number.parse("0b11");       // must use 0b
    let units = Number.parse("12kg");     // units of kilograms

Number.parseHex(val: str): int

Works exactly like Number.parse(...), however, if the value does not start with "0x", this function will add it as a prefix before parsing.

Number.parseOct(val: str): int

Works exactly like Number.parse(...), however, if the value does not start with "0o", this function will add it as a prefix before parsing.

Number.parseBin(val: str): int

Works exactly like Number.parse(...), however, if the value does not start with "0b", this function will add it as a prefix before parsing.

Number.toHexString(val: int | float | units): str

Converts the integer portion of this value to a hexadecimal string. The resulting string is always capital hex characters (A-F) and does not start with "0x".

fn example() {
    assertEq(0xff.toHexString(), "FF");

Number.toOctString(val: int | float | units): str

Converts the integer portion of this value into an octal string. The resulting string does not start with "0o".

fn example() {
    assertEq(0o55.toOctString(), "55");

Number.toBinString(val: int | float | units): str

Converts the integer portion of this value into a binary string. The resulting string does not start with "0b".

fn example() {
    assertEq(0b11.toBinString(), "11");

Number Functions

Number.round(val: int | float | units, places?: int): float

Round this val to the nearest integer. If value is half-way between two integers, rounds away from 0.0. If given a number of places to round to, move the decimal right that many places, round, then moves it back.

fn round() {
    assertEq(12.23456.round(), 12);
    assertEq(12.23456.round(2), 12.23);
    assertEq(12.23456.round(4), 12.2346);

Number.pow(val: int | float | units, power: int | float): float

Raises a number to a power.

fn pow() {
    assertEq(2.pow(3), 8);
    assertEq(Number.pow(2, 3), 8);

Number.sqrt(val: int | float | units): float

Return the square root of a number.

fn sqrt() {
    assertEq(4.sqrt(), 2);

Number.cbrt(val: int | float | units): float

Return the cube root of a number.

fn cbrt() {
    assertEq(8.cbrt(), 2);

Number.abs(val: int | float | units): float

Return the absolute value of a number.

fn abs() {
    assertEq(-3.abs(), 3);
    assertEq(3.abs(), 3);
    assertEq(Number.abs(box(-3434)), 3434);

Number.floor(val: int | float | units): float

Return the largest integer less than or equal to "val".

fn floor() {
    assertEq(1.45.floor(), 1);

Number.ceil(val: int | float | units): float

Return the smallest integer greater than or equal to "val".

fn ceil() {
    assertEq(1.45.ceil(), 2);

Number.trunc(val: int | float | units): float

Return the integer part of "val". Non-integer values are always truncated towards zero.

fn test() {
    assertEq(12.7.trunc(), 12);

Number.fract(val: int | float | units): float

Return the fractional part of "val".

fn fract() {
    assertEq(12.5.fract(), 0.5);

Number.signum(val: int | float | units): float

Returns a number representing the sign of "val".

  • 1, the number is positive

  • -1, the number is negative

Number.exp(val: int | float | units): float

Returns the exponential function e^(val) .

Number.exp2(val: int | float | units): float

Returns 2^(val).

Number.ln(val: int | float | units): float

Returns the natural log of val: ln(val).

Number.log(val: int | float | units, base: int | float): float

Returns the logarithm of the number with respect to an arbitrary base.

Number.sin(val: int | float | units): float

Computes the sine of a number (in radians).

fn angles_trig() {
    assertEq(90deg.sin(), 1);
    assertEq(270deg.sin(), -1);

Number.cos(val: int | float | units): float

Computes the cosine of a number (in radians).

fn angles_trig() {
    assertEq(0deg.cos(), 1);
    assertEq(180deg.cos(), -1);

Number.tan(val: int | float | units): float

Computes the tangent of a number (in radians).

fn angles_trig() {
    assertEq(0deg.tan(), 0);

Number.asin(val: int | float | units): rad

Computes the arcsine of a number. Return value is in radians in the range -pi/2, pi/2 or null if the number is outside the range -1, 1.

fn test() {
    assertEq(-1.asin(), 270deg);

Number.acos(val: int | float | units): rad

Computes the arccosine of a number. Return value is in radians in the range 0, pi or null if the number is outside the range -1, 1.

fn test() {
    assertEq(-1.acos(), 180deg);

Number.atan(val: int | float | units): rad

Computes the arctangent of a number. Return value is in radians in the range -pi/2, pi/2.

fn test() {
    assertEq(0.atan(), 0deg);

Number.atan2(val: int | float | units, other: float): rad

Computes the four quadrant arctangent of "val" and "other" in radians.

  • x = 0, y = 0: 0

  • x >= 0: arctan(y/x) -> [-pi/2, pi/2]

  • y >= 0: arctan(y/x) + pi -> (pi/2, pi]

  • y < 0: arctan(y/x) - pi -> (-pi, -pi/2)

Number.sinh(val: int | float | units): float

Hyperbolic sine function.

Number.cosh(val: int | float | units): float

Hyperbolic cosine function.

Number.tanh(val: int | float | units): float

Hyperbolic tangent function.

Number.asinh(val: int | float | units): float

Inverse hyperbolic sine function.

Number.acosh(val: int | float | units): float

Inverse hyperbolic cosine function.

Number.atanh(val: int | float | units): float

Inverse hyperbolic tangent function.


Number.len(val: int | float | units): int

Returns the integer part of "val". Non-integer values are truncated towards zero.

This function is provided to support iteration of numbers. int | float | units, index: int): int

Returns the integer part of "index" if index is less than the integer part of "val", otherwise, returns the integer part of "val". Non-integer values for both "val" and "index" are truncated towards zero.

fn test() {
    // For loops use "len" to get the length and "at" to get each value
    for (i in 10) {
        pln(i); // will print 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


Number.units(val: units): str | null

Returns the units of this number or null if no units are defined.

fn test() {
    assertEq(19km.units(), "km");

Number.removeUnits(val: units): float

Remove the units of this number if any units are defined. Otherwise, returns a clone of "val".

fn test() {
    let val = 20s;
    assertEq(val.units(), "s"); // seconds
    val = val.removeUnits();

Number.hasUnits(val: int | float | units): bool

Return true if this number has units defined for it.

fn test() {

Number.isAngle(val: int | float | units): bool

Return true if this number has angle units defined for it.

fn test() {

Number.isDegrees(val: int | float | units): bool

Return true if this number has angle units of Degrees.

fn test() {

Number.isRadians(val: int | float | units): bool

Return true if this number has angle units of Radians.

fn test() {

Number.isPositiveDegrees(val: int | float | units): bool

Return true if this number has angle units of Positive Degrees. See Units for more information on positive degrees.

fn test() {

Number.isPositiveRadians(val: int | float | units): bool

Return true if this number has angle units of Positive Radians. See Units for more information on positive radians.

fn test() {

Number.isTemperature(val: int | float | units): bool

Return true if this number has units of temperature defined for it.

fn test() {

Number.isLength(val: int | float | units): bool

Return true if this number has units of length defined for it.

fn test() {

Number.isTime(val: int | float | units): bool

Return true if this number has units of time defined for it.

fn test() {

Number.isMass(val: int | float | units): bool

Return true if this number has units of mass defined for it.

fn test() {

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