Example for accessing and using a field with schemafy.
This is a more realistic example, showing nested pipelines for validity and a more realistic conversion for ensuring the proper units on a field.
In a production environment, you'll want a more robust access control layer (obviously). This could involve additional host libraries or additional data parsed into the document at the appropriate times.
access: {
layer: "everything"
token: "abcdefghi"
// use this in all schema attributes that require access
validation_pipeline: [
(target: obj): bool => self.hasAccess(target.token),
(target: obj): bool => target.layer.or("everything") == self.layer,
fn hasAccess(token: str): bool {
return token == self.token;
schema: {
// stop here if the target object doesn't have access
// nested pipelines will all work, no matter how deep
// use this schema's value as the default if one doesn't exist
(schema: obj, value: unknown): unknown => {
if (value == null) return schema.ttl;
return value;
// ensure the value is a number and that it has units of time
(value: unknown): bool => isNumber(value) && value.isTime(),
// convert all times to units of seconds
(value: float): s => value,
ttl: 3600s
fn valid_token() {
let valid = new {
token: "abcdefghi"
assert(self.schema.schemafy(valid, true, true));
fn valid_value() {
let valid = new {
token: "abcdefghi"
ttl: 129444ms
assert(self.schema.schemafy(valid, true, true));
fn invalid_layer() {
let invalid = new {
layer: "unknown" // unknown/invalid access layer
token: "abcdefghi"
ttl: 1800s
assertNot(self.schema.schemafy(invalid, true, true));
fn invalid_token() {
let invalid = new {
token: "abc" // wrong token
assertNot(self.schema.schemafy(invalid, true, true));
fn invalid_time() {
let invalid = new {
token: "abcdefghi"
ttl: 33kg // mass instead of time
assertNot(self.schema.schemafy(invalid, true, true));
> stof test example.stof
running 5 Stof tests
test root valid_token ... ok
test root valid_value ... ok
test root invalid_layer ... ok
test root invalid_token ... ok
test root invalid_time ... ok
test result: ok. 5 passed; 0 failed; finished in 0s